a banner year

Sunday, February 20, 2005

the stoner post

i love meredith. hanging out with people you like is the best time ever.

i've been to the whitney, the moma, the met, ellis island, the statue of liberty, the gates (twice), and saw an exhibit about rap's early days at the brooklyn public library. once i hit a few galleries, i'll be as cultured as can be.

what i love about the gates is that you can discuss it when you're hungover on a saturday, laying on your bed, and at midnight in the west village, waiting in a queue.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Erlend & Eirik

Yesterday was amazing. I found out last minute that the Kings of Convenience were going to play the Carson Daly show and L. and I got to see them. We were basically the last people in line, but got decent enough seat and squealed and shrieked whenever our boys were mentioned. It was my first taping and very surreal, I had to keep reminding myself that the people were right there and I should watch them, not the tv monitors. Dennis Rodman, Aisha Tyler and MOE were on. Lots of MOE fans in the audience. Very easy to tell the KOC and MOE fans apart (we were a lot cuter). I think the less cute drummer of MOE was checking me out during the show, but he was kinda far away and my heart belongs to two norwegians.

Last Call is filmed in the SNL studios, which felt neat. And as much as I can't stand Carson Daly and look down on him with utter hipster scorn blah blah, he's not a bad interviewer... Dennis Rodman is a total space cadet and Carson was very nice and managed to make the whole thing semi-interesting. But he's still lame, sorry.

Erlend & Eirik came out and played an acoustic "i'd rather dance with you" and it was super hushed, then there were some laughs when erlend started dancing. Eventually there was a big clap-along to the song - i'm curious to see how it turns out on tv. I think it's going to be on next wednesday... guess I'll have to stay up past my bedtime.

i'll post about the bowery later. hard at work.

Monday, February 07, 2005

worn out


even that bed looks good right now.

i love this man's photography. photo blogs both impress and depress me... recognizing your lack of talent is no fun. being an art history major was a big part of that. to study those who create instead of BEING one of them feels pretty deadening. i think being an artist takes such balls and egotism and i respect them and hate their guts all at the same time.

my parents and brother came to town this weekend. even though z. has professed a profound distaste for art, he was okay with going to the MOMA. what a sweetheart. with my govt perks i was able to get us all in for free, a giant savings of $72, which seems completely insane to me. We were there for a little under 1 and 1/2 hours, but that gave me almost enough time to see the two floors i had missed completely the last time. Painting & Sculpture 1 and Painting & Sculpture 2.
saw my favorite kirchner
kirchner - bed which looks about a thousand times better in real life - really vibrant and thick, gloppy paint. i like the matisse in the stairwell - a nice break from the constant crowds, and 'starry night' should be better positioned, but the monet is pretty much perfect from any view (and i dinna like impressionist).
bed (thanks bluejake)

i was looking very museum chic in a full white silk skirt with black flowers, a black top, and my strappy black heels (thank god the most comfortable heels ever). a nice change from the constant jeans, although it did prevent me from checking out my ass constantly <- probably a good thing, according to family and friend. hey, squats pay off, and since i'm paying through the nose to be forced to do them, i'm going to appreciate the benefets reaped to the fullest (and make everyone around me appreciate them too). in retrospect though, my brother was probably NOT checking out my ass, as i queried multiple times.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

falling behind

i'm slacking on my new year's resolution to see more art, but the past two weeks have... been busy. sort of. there was a blizzard, and then i had to go to JERSEY.


jersey is weird. it's closer than brooklyn, but the STIGMA. and you need a car, the area is not conducive to waddling around in a winter coat. to get to a.'s place we needed to cut through a mall, which i scoffed at at first, but how convenient would that be, honestly? i mean, it's not like i don't do all my shopping at H&M and the Gap already. I am attempting to move into Banana Republic territory, but feel that if I'm going to be spending that insane amount of money, I should at least me buying something unique. I feel vintaged out, but Bird is the only place I've been able to find that's a bit different and they still rape my pocketbook.

no good images for pocketbook rape.