a banner year

Thursday, September 30, 2004

eating words is yummy


i won a flavorpill contest not 12 hours after i proclaimed that all flavorpill contests were bullshit and no one ever wins.

my time out guide to eating and drinking should be in the mail.


Tuesday, September 28, 2004

new resolutions

i just talked to alex and i was bitching about life. my job is driving me crazy - only 4 people in the office - and my world revolves around work, gym, and bed. boring. so here's the new goals:

find a hobby, something i can do once a week, meet some new people, etc. maybe a class?

no more tv. even though top model is back on, i think desperate housewives will have to be it for me.

try to reconnect with every person i know here- give them one more chance and THEN say fuck it. no more weird limbo friendships.

schedule one cool and new activity per week

lead a life i'd be envious of.

les hotness

this weekend I saw Michael Showalter at a LES bar, Chris Parnell on the subway, and that awesomely funny tall guy that does the Stewart bit on Mad TV uptown. New York rocks. Michael Showalter is so dreamy... I made Winnie go ask him to make sure it was him. She asked him his name, he said 'michael'. 'what's you last name?' 'showalter'. then she turned around and walked away! such a waste of hot funny celebrity time. not on my shift, bitch.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

a prized possession

one of my best friends in high school gave me her mini pipe the summer after she graduated - she had upgraded and i had just started smoking my first year of high school. it was perfect - tiny, adorable, nice big bowl, a great smoker. once i forgot it was in my purse until the last minute and i had to hide it under my breast in order to get through concert security.

i hid it at home before i left for oxford and totally forgot to get when i came home. i found it and brought it to new york and now the worst has happened - it's broken. it got stuck in my glass ashtray and i couldn't get it out - i tried creams, hot water, cold water and then a fork. the fork was a bad idea. now it's in pieces. i'm going to try to superglue, but i have low hopes. isad times in the city.

that's right, a banner year.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

donna karan is on crack

no joke. Vanessa Grigoriadis deserves a prize:

“I figure, ‘Okay, I’m going to Africa,’ ” says Karan, 55, a tall, powerful woman with gripping green eyes and a flamboyant way of speaking, accented in the deepest Long Islandese. “I didn’t connect anything to it; I had no connection. I figured, ‘Oh, Africa—it’s, like, a country?’ It’s a continent.”


Tuesday, September 21, 2004

peeves beyond boys who don't call when they say they will.

i could make an entire journal of this, without a doubt, but i'll limit it for now.

* people who push their way to the front in order to get on the subway. they're all shove shove and they can't look you in the eye because they're guilty of being assholes. the other day it was this forty year old guy who pushed his way in and then took up two seats.

that leads us to...

* guys who don't give up their seats to women on the subway. i know, that's sexist and wrong but give me a fucking break. have you seen the shoes that women wear? fashion is evil and horrible and makes us wear painful shoes. don't give me this bullshit about how we should wear comfortable clothing. it's not going to happen. it makes me want to puke when i see all these obnoxious guys sitting down while women cling to the poles. chivalry is NOT dead - the guys at my gym are ridiculously awesome about holding open doors and letting me on and off the elevator first. plus, shouldn't guys WANT girls to be staring at their dicks?

okay, last one:

* people who don't do their parts in revolving doors. you know who they are, they're right in front of you and you just KNOW that they've stopped pushing and are letting you do all the work.

ok, sometimes i do that. but it's rare.

Monday, September 20, 2004

the money issue

i'm a stingy person.

i will spend money, definitely, and i think of myself as generous in terms of gifts for others. i don't keep track of how much is in my account, and i tend to blow through way too much each weekend.

but i'm stingy. when we divvy up bills i always feel like i'm getting ripped off; i ponder for ages when purchasing razors, trying to decide how much i want/am willing to spend; and i HATE lending money.

lending money sucks. i'm always aware of it, i can't ignore it, and i resent it completely. people never make any effort to repay you, and you're stuck either losing money or being obnoxious and asking for it.

i blame my attitude completely on my father. he is one stingy bastard. we weren't allowed to get our own drinks at mcdonald's till we were in middle school, at least. we would buy one large diet coke and ask for three small cups. this is why i stopped drinking diet coke.

my mom explained that it was those sacrifices that made it possible to go on vacations and to summer camp and it's true, i got to go to incredible places and i never paid for a nickel of it myself. but there was always the motto that "if they don't take the entertainment card, we're not going."

ahh, memories. where am i going with this?
BEN. ben is a sweet boy but is very intense and one of those people who obviously is incredibly self-relflexive/analyzing/critical. he gets off on being odd. i met him 5 years ago, had a huge crush on him for the first 6 months and then started hanging out with him and realized what a big dork he was and the crush ceased. ben is poor, never has any money and is always borrowing. this should be fine - i am not poor, i have a steady paycheck and he's my friend. yet when he asked me for a few buck yesterday (for food!) i responded "don't you already owe me money?" He does, we saw David Sedaris and he gave me a fifth of the ticket price. He said "yeah, probably" so i gave him a five and i didn't ask for change and i feel like a bitch for even bringing it up. and that's the worst part - lending money leads to me feeling guilty. guilty for resenting it, guilty for asking for it back, guilty for looking so petty.

i wish i could say - that's it! i'm never lending money again. but that won't happen. and i don't think my attitude is likely to change - these spots seem ingrained.

welcome to a banner year.