the universe is against me
it's true, time out ny's horoscopes said so. and good thing too, because i needed some written proof that the way i was feeling wasn't my fault - it's the UNIVERSE'S. damn universe. always fucking with my head. yes, i'm very jokey now, but i broke down a bit last night... too much stress, not enough solutions. i know escapism isn't the answer, but right now i'm not sure what is - perhaps quitting the job and becoming a bartender? healthcare sucks, but i'd save money on alcohol. i'm going home in two weeks and plan on dumping this onto my parents and having them make it all better.
this weekend i went to the forum gallery and saw some incredible work. david mach has pieces made out of matchsticks and coat hangers that are guaranteed to blow your mind. this bear is my (new!) cellphone's wallpaper:

his collages aren't quite as impressive, but they're fun to look at (esp for a new york audience).
go to Forum Gallery, 745 Fifth Ave, 5th Fl (bet 57th and 58th)... on until April 16th. I wonder how well they're selling - and how much they are (neglected to check)!
we really need to institute a four o'clock Friday, so i can start hitting up galleries this spring/summer... next staff meeting i'll try to dredge up the courage.
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