Lucile at FIT
There is a new exhibition at FIT on Lucile, Lady Duff Gordon. The exhibition, curated by grad students, looks very interesting, most especially because Lucile had what they call "a controversial escape from the Titanic." No kidding. I found this really fascinating account of the Duff Gordons, who were labeled "Cowardly Baron and his Wife" by the newspapers. They had managed to escape the sinking ship in an emergency boat that could hold 40 people, but only held 12 - it came out that they had given the crew 5 pounds apiece... gift or bribe, it became known as 'the Money Boat'. And holding a champagne supper upon their arrival in New York wasn't exactly a good pr move. They were exonerated, and what a sweetie...
"Regrets? I have no regrets. The Titanic disaster made me a fortune. Look at the tremendous amount of publicity it gave me...When I opened my dress establishments in New York and Chicago, people mobbed the places. I made thousands and thousands of dollars."

Quick! go see....
Designing the It Girl: Lucile and Her Style
March 1 - April 16, 2005
Tues - Fri Noon - 8pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm
Free admission.
Well done!
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