a banner year

Thursday, March 24, 2005

my imaginary thesis

i'm thinking about experimentation and what it means to both you and the people around you. Your vision of things and an expanding viewpoint, although everyone else's is narrowing down. to further define a person decreases their anonymity, which makes them feel special - the minorities are bonded by their minority. The majority has less unique qualities, which is why creative forces come best from minorites or those of the majority who have learned/taken from them. so to experiment then is going from the majority to the minority. if it is an effort to feel special, it is incapable of fully succeeding, as it is not a true minority, as slipping back and forth is too simple to do. witness the increasing popularity of bisexuality with an even more tremendous backlash... we get off on it in the movies - how exciting it is to see a straight actor 'playing gay'. we might even give you an oscar for that, or at the very least some respect for your acting ability.. unless you're jennifer tilly. let's end this there.


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